Hainan's Achievements in Building a Clean Energy Island
Source: | Author:SN | Published time: 2024-08-21 | 23 Views | Share:

In 2020, Hainan issued the "Hainan Energy Comprehensive Reform Plan," which focuses on developing clean energy and establishing Hainan as a clean energy island.

  • By 2025, the goal is to initially establish a clean, low-carbon, safe, and efficient energy system, with the proportion of clean energy power generation capacity reaching 83%, and the clean energy island starting to take shape.

  • By 2035, the clean energy transition is expected to be largely achieved, with the proportion of clean energy power generation capacity reaching 89%, and the clean energy island essentially completed.

The "Hainan Province Carbon Peak Implementation Plan" released in August 2022 outlines the vigorous development of wind, solar, biomass, and other renewable energy sources, the efficient and safe development of nuclear power, and the continuous increase in the share of non-fossil energy in total energy consumption. By 2025, Hainan plans to add 4 million kilowatts of photovoltaic power generation capacity, approximately 2 million kilowatts of wind power generation capacity, and achieve a 55% share of non-fossil energy in total power generation capacity.

(Key Energy Projects Planned for Investment in Hainan in 2023)

By the end of 2023, Hainan's clean energy power generation capacity (including gas and nuclear power) reached 11.2066 million kilowatts, accounting for 75.22% of the province's total power generation capacity. Among this, the capacity of green power sources accounted for 39.79% of the province's total power generation capacity, indicating significant progress. In 2023, the total grid-connected electricity in Hainan was 42.674 billion kilowatt-hours, with clean energy grid-connected electricity at 27.880 billion kilowatt-hours, making up 65.33% of the total grid-connected electricity.

As of the end of June 2024, clean energy power generation capacity (including gas power and energy storage) accounted for 82.4% of the total grid-connected power generation capacity in Hainan, positioning the energy transition at the forefront globally.

During the “14th Five-Year Plan” period, Hainan plans to develop and construct offshore wind power projects with a total capacity of 11 million kilowatts, and strive to put 2 million kilowatts into operation. Additionally, Hainan aims to increase photovoltaic capacity by 4 million kilowatts and accelerate the construction of a multi-energy complementary clean power supply system.

(Source: China Southern Power Grid)