Recognized by the National Development and Reform Commission: SINO's Functional Film National and Local Joint Engineering Research Center
Source: | Author:SN | Published time: 2013-09-01 | 12 Views | Share:

The National and Local Joint Engineering Research Center is a crucial innovation platform linking national engineering research centers with provincial engineering research centers. It plays an important role in the construction of the national innovation system. The responsibilities of the center include focusing on the unique industrial characteristics and advantages of its region, solving key technological and equipment bottlenecks in industrial development, promoting innovation in key common technologies, cutting-edge leading technologies, modern engineering technologies, and disruptive technologies. The center also aims to advance industrial technological progress and structural adjustments, support local modernization of economic systems, and continuously enhance regional economic innovation and competitiveness.

SN Functional Film National and Local Joint Engineering Research Center was recognized by the National Development and Reform Commission in 2013 and invested and constructed by Hainan Shiner Industrial Co., Ltd., located in Shiziling Industrial Park, Haikou National High-tech Zone, Hainan Province.
Focusing on the fields of two-way stretching, biodegradation and water-based materials, the center has set up sub-platforms for technology research and development, testing and analysis, small pilot tests, and achievement transformation, and established professional service capabilities for double-pulling, film blowing, casting and modification.
Build a one-stop technical service platform to help the industry quickly improve the efficiency of research and development and transformation of results.


Ⅰ  Conditions for Applying for the National and Local Joint Engineering Research Center (2018 Edition):

1.The center must have been approved as a provincial engineering research center (engineering laboratory) by December 1, 2017.

2.The industrial field should belong to the scope defined by the "Key Products and Services of Strategic Emerging Industries Guiding Directory" (Announcement No. 1 of 2017, National Development and Reform Commission). The center should be able to provide critical core technological support to solve industrial development bottlenecks and have a good radiation and driving effect.

3.The center must have a strong influence in its industry, with a total staff of no less than 50 people, including at least 30 full-time R&D personnel. The original value of the R&D equipment owned by the center must be no less than 30 million yuan, and the R&D area must cover no less than 2,000 square meters. The center should have hosted or undertaken national scientific and technological plans or industry standard-setting tasks.

4.The applying unit should establish a long-term, close cooperative construction mechanism with at least one national engineering research center, national engineering laboratory, national enterprise technology center, or national and local joint engineering research center (engineering laboratory) in the same industry or related upstream and downstream industries.

5.Each legal entity can only apply for one National and Local Joint Engineering Research Center.

Ⅱ List: 

National and Local Joint Engineering Research Centers (Engineering Laboratories) from 2009-2016

  • Recognized by the National Development and Reform Commission: SINO

    Recognized by the National Development and Reform Commission: SINO's Functional Film National and Local Joint Engineering Research Center

    The National and Local Joint Engineering Research Center serves as a vital platform connecting national and provincial engineering research centers, focusing on regional industrial characteristics and addressing technological bottlenecks. It promotes innovation in key technologies and supports local economic modernization, enhancing regional competitiveness. The SN Functional Film Center, recognized in 2013, specializes in two-way stretching, biodegradation, and water-based materials, offering comprehensive technical services. To qualify as a National and Local Joint Engineering Research Center, entities must meet specific criteria, including being a previously approved provincial center, having significant industrial influence, and establishing cooperative mechanisms with national research centers.


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    Contributing to Carbon Neutrality, SN Receives Carbon Verification Certification Again

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