Creative posters丨The environmental hazards of traditional aluminum innerliner production
Source: | Author:SN | Published time: 2024-05-22 | 88 Views | Share:

The environmental hazards of traditional aluminum innerliner production: 

  • The aluminum ion wastewater generated during the production process poses a serious threat to aquatic life, leading to hindered growth, reduced reproductive capacity, and even death, thus severely disrupting the aquatic ecological balance.

  • Producing 1 ton of traditional aluminum-containing innerliner requires an energy equivalent to approximately 5-7 tons of standard coal.(The data is estimated)

  • Every ton of aluminum produced requires the discharge of approximately 200-1000 cubic meters of wastewater. If left untreated, this wastewater could potentially pollute thousands of square meters of water bodies. (The data is estimated)

Aluminum-free Innerliner:

A more environmentally friendly option for cigarette packaging

It is aluminum-free paper used as the inner liner of cigarette boxes, providing a certain level of moisture resistance and aroma preservation for cigarettes. 

Key Features:

  • Completely biodegradable

  • Free of colored metals

  • Odorless

  • Excellent moisture resistance and aroma preservation

  • Good printing performance with various inks