Product classification
  • Functional Composite Coated Film MPA31
  • Functional Composite Coated Film MPA31

    MPA is a material based on BOPP substrate, with one side coated with acrylic for printability and heat sealing, and the other side coated with PVDC for high barrier and heat sealing properties. It is adaptable to various types of packaging equipment. This product is widely used, especially for vertical and horizontal packaging, serving as the outer layer packaging after being laminated with PE or CPP.

    • ¥0.00
Product Description

MPA is a material based on BOPP substrate, with one side coated with acrylic for printability and heat sealing, and the other side coated with PVDC for high barrier and heat sealing properties. It is adaptable to various types of packaging equipment. This product is widely used, especially for vertical and horizontal packaging, serving as the outer layer packaging after being laminated with PE or CPP.

Key Features

  • The acrylic coating has a low and stable coefficient of friction, ensuring the coated film is highly adaptable to packaging machines.

  • The film boasts excellent transparency and glossiness.

  • It exhibits superior moisture and oxygen barrier properties, with perfect aroma and fragrance retention capabilities.

Important Notes

  • Offers good adaptability for vertical and horizontal packaging processes.                            

  • Ideal for dry lamination applications.

  • Capable of double-sided heat sealing, suitable for lap sealing and overlap sealing techniques.                             

  • The acrylic side is well-suited for water-based ink printing.                                    

  • The acrylic side requires pre-coating with adhesive for co-extrusion lamination.           

  • The PVDC side is suitable for lamination

Product Specifications

  • MPA22 model - 22 microns

  • MPA25 model - 25 microns

  • MPA31 model - 31 microns

Typical Applications

  • MPA // Printing // Adhesive // PE or CPP

  • MPA // Printing // Adhesive // HPA, MPA, BPA

  • MPA // Printing // Adhesive // APA

  • Non-Printed MPA, Printed // MPA // Varnish // Printed // MPA

Technical Data

Properties  Test ConditionUnitMPA25MPA31MPA38
Thickness ISO 4593micron253138
Shrinkage rateASTM D 4321㎡/kg41.733.927.9
Unit weightASTM D 4321g/㎡24.029.535.9
Tensile StrengthMDISO 527Mpa130130130
Elongation at breakMDISO 527%180180180
HazeASTM D 1003%
Oxygen Transmission Rate at 23°C, 0% RHASTM D 3985cc/㎡·24hr252525
Water Vapor Transmission Rate at 38°C, 90% RH
ASTM F 1249g/㎡·24hr6.35.55.0
Heat Sealing Strength (PVDC/PVDC) 127℃,1.4bars,0.75 secASTM F 88N/15mm3.03.13.2

Sealing Initiation Temperature


ASTM F 88105105105
Glossiness(45℃)ASTM D 2457%100100100

Surface Tension

(Acrylic side)

ISO 8296Dynes/cm404040

Thermal Shrinkage Rate


ISO 11501


Coefficient of Friction

PVDC sideASTM D 1894/0.35
Acrylic side0.25

Additional Notes:

  • Do not touch the film with bare hands.

  • Maintain a well-ventilated and dry storage environment.

  • Keep the film surface clean and free of contaminants.


The information provided about the product is for reference only. There is no guarantee or authorization for the customer's specific use. Customers are required to test the product themselves to determine its suitability. The final decision on the use of the product is at the discretion of the customer.