Product classification
  • Easy-Remove Coated Film REAW33
  • Easy-Remove Coated Film REAW33

    A BOPET film, coated on one side with a heat-sealing and low-temperature resistant coating, offers excellent heat-sealing and low-temperature resistance properties. The heat-seal strength can be customized to meet customer specifications for easy-lift functionality. This product is food-contact safe and falls under the category of recyclable environmental materials.

    • ¥0.00
Product Description

A BOPET film, coated on one side with a heat-sealing and low-temperature resistant coating, offers excellent heat-sealing and low-temperature resistance properties. The heat-seal strength can be customized to meet customer specifications for easy-lift functionality. This product is food-contact safe and falls under the category of recyclable environmental materials.

Key Performance Characteristics

  • Outstanding heat-sealing strength on PET boxes

  • Superior low-temperature resistance

  • Excellent clarity

  • Food grade coating

  • Environmentally friendly and recyclable with no chlorine

Product Application

REAW33 typically requires lamination with aluminum foil and printing before being heat-sealed onto a PET box. It is suitable for packaging fresh fruits and vegetables, seafood, dairy products, and cosmetics. It is commonly used in non-transparent heat-seal lidding films without anti-fog properties.

Technical Data

Properties  Test ConditionUnitREAW33
Average thicknessISO 4593μm33
Unit weightASTM D 4321g/㎡45.0
Tensile StrengthMDISO 527Mpa189
Elongation at breakMDISO 527%150
Heat sealing strengthfilm/film


Low temperature resistance

R.C. (3℃)/D30
F.C. (-20℃)D7
C.O.FCoated side/Coated sideISO 8295/0.30/0.30
HazeASTM D 1003%2.82
Gloss (45°)ASTM D 2457%89
Surface tensionISO 8296Dynes/cm40


  • The coating applied to the product is a water-based latex, which should not be exposed to high temperatures (>75℃) for extended periods.

  • The PET box material used by various manufacturers may vary, which can affect the heat-sealing strength of the coated film. Clients are advised to conduct their own tests and verify suitability for use.